My name is Roberto Nuca and I was born in Italy in 1990.
Current Education Level
In my Bachelor's degree I have studied Mechanical Engineering in Università di Padova. My studies were focused on Structural Science, Fluid Dynamics and Machine Design. My first thesis concerned the application of Carbon Nanotubes on Composite Materials and the thesis title is "Carbon Nanotubes: General Analysis and Application to Matrix Polymer Nanocomposite Material".
My main interests were and are about pure math and numerical analysis. Hence, for my Master degree I decided to study Applied Mathematics. I have graduated in Mathematical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino. The title of my Master's thesis is "Application of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition to the Discretization of Parabolic Problems" mentored by Professor Claudio Canuto.
My Future Research
In the next three years I will be enrolled in a PhD program in Pure and Applied Mathematic at Politecnico di Torino and Università di Torino, in the same time I will be employed in Optiflow company. As described under the Work Package 2 (WP2) within the SMaRT project the main tasks of my research are:
1- To review the modelling aspects about multi-phase flow with particle transport, in particular transport of sand in the wind.
2- To develop a mathematical model and a stable algorithm in order to provide a tool to compute the needed simulations, both for scientific and industrial point of view.